

  1. Vente, E., Shepherd, A. J., Reduction of Migraine Episodes in Ménière Patients Following Chronic Use of Weak Prismatic Spectacles. in Perception vol. 48 172–172 (Sage Publications ltd 1 Olivers Yard, 55 City Road, London EC1Y 1SP, England, 2019).
  2. Bos, J. E., Lubeck, A. J. A., Vente, P. E. M., Treatment of vestibular disorders with weak asymmetric base-in prisms: An hypothesis with a focus on Ménière’s disease. Journal of Vestibular Research 27, 251–263 (2017).
  3. Vente, E., Reduction of migraine episodes in a subset Meniere patients with chronic use of WABIPS 29th Barany Society Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, 5-8 June, Journal of Vestibular Research 26:95.. (2016).
  4. Bos, J., Lubeck, A., Vente, E., Elimination of a visual-vestibular conflict in Meniere's disease. 29th Barany Society Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, 5-8 June, Journal of Vestibular Research 26:95 (2016).
  5. Vente, P. E. M., Meulenbroeks, A.A.W.M., Prism glasses as a therapy for Ménière’s vertigo evaluated. Pilot study, XXVIIth Barany Society Meeting, Journal of Vestibular Research (2012).
  6. Vente, E. Manipulation of vision by prismatic spectacles blunts migraine in Ménière’s patients. in Journal of Headache and Pain vol. 11 S92–S92 (Springer-Verlag Italia srl via decembrio, 28, Milan, 20137, Italy, 2010).
  7. Vente, P. E. M., Bos, J., Wertheim, A. H., de Wit, G., Prism Spectacles as a brace for Vestibular Asymmetry. (Study of the effect of weak prismatic spectacles on unilateral Ménière’s disease patients) Journal of Vestibular Research. Equilibrum & Orientation 11-nr 3-5/ 2001/2002. pp268 ( XXII Bárány Society Meeting Seattle 2002)
  8. Bos, J., Vente, P. E. M., Tusscher, ten, M.P.M., Ménière’s disease patients have abnormalities of vergence. Journal of Vestibular Research. Equilibrum & Orientation 11-nr 3-5/ 2001/2002. pp200 ( XXII Bárány Society Pree-Meeting Seattle 2002)
  9. Vente, P., Bos, J., Tusscher, ten, M.P.M., de Wit, G., Prism spectacles beat vertigo. in Excerpta Medica International Congress Series vol. 1201 563–564 (Elsevier, 2000).
  10. Vente, P.E.M., Mallows, K., Utermöhlen, V., Historical research into a treatment for Ménière’s. A pioneer makes the connection (Utermöhlen 1873-1962), In: Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Ménière’s Disease, Paris, France, April 11-14, 1999. Sterkers O, Ferrary E, Dauman R, Sauvage JP, Tran Ba Huy P (eds) Kugler Publications, The Hague 739–740. (2000).
  11. Wit, G. de, Vente, P., Bos, J. E. & Bles, W. Het snelle labyrint ten dienste van het trage oog. [The fast labyrinth for the purpose of the slow eye]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor KNO-Heelkunde 5:7-10. (1999).
  12. Vente, P. E. M., Bos, J. E. & de Wit, G. Motion sickness amelioration induced by prism spectacles. Brain Res Bull 47, 503-505 (1998).
  13. Vente, P. & De Wit, G. Follow-up on the effect of prismatic glasses in Ménière’s disease. Clinical Otolaryngology & Allied Sciences 22, 182–183 (1997).

In de pers

  1. De Utermöhlen-prismabril verdient een eerlijke kans
  2. Prismabril kan helpen tegen Ménière-duizeligheid
  3. Een bril tegen duizeligheid
  4. Oogcoordinatieproblemen en dyslexie

Relevante literatuur

  1. Wit G de. (1992) Evenwicht, Stabilisatie en Oriëntatie. VU Uitgeverij, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

  2. Utermöhlen G.P. (1941) Het prismaeffect bij de ziekte van Meniere. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 85:1183- 1188 (in Dutch).

  3. Utermöhlen G.P. (1941) Prismatherapie bij de ziekte van Meniere. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 91:1080-1087 (in Dutch).

  4. Wit de, G., Visser B.P. (1988) The “Marche-en-Etoile” revised. The influence of after-images and prism-glasses on starwalks. Acta Otolaryngology 105: 553 – 557.

  5. Hoe werkt de Utermöhlen-prismabril (WABIPS)

TIG artiekelen

  1. Artikel TIG 1 Twee casussen.
  2. Artikel TIG 2 Hoe werkt de Utermöhlen prismabril.
  3. Artikel TIG 3 Hoe patienten te selecteren.